story sticks

It must have been in 2003 that I had a dream of my divining someone's fortune. It involved throwing down sticks with heiroglypic makings on them. Other tools were a bar of soap, a dime, and a tea saucer.
The next evening, I was with friends at the local teahouse, where they have a large selection of tarot cards for public use. I told the women of my dream--I'd just remembered it.
"Ooh! Let's see!" they cried. "I want you to read my fortune!" "Now!"

Grab a handful of the sticks and shake them around in your hand as you mull over your question or topic. When you're ready, toss them onto the table. I try to decipher the message(s) based on the way the sticks fell.
I heard this is akin to the I-Ching. I don't know anything about it. It felt very primal to me in the dream. And all I can really say is that I intuit by feeling--a sense of "rightness". I imagine this is how all intuitives work anyway.

It all depends on how the sticks spread themselves out. Whether they land on their blank or marked sides. How they fall in relation to each other: where they cross, if they land astride or askew. And of course, what markings appear.
Usually there is a prominent stick that represents the questioner and/or the issue at hand. I go from there. I call them "Story Sticks" because what I end up telling is a story about the person or topic.

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